Four season

Villa AKIKO lies in a mountain meadow above the village of Harklowa, not far from Nowy Targ. It is built in harmony with the surrounding Gorce mountain range. Thanks to the picturesque setting, beautiful views of the Tatra mountains, Czorsztyn Lake and the neighboring Gorce National Park with its forests and meadows it is possible to escape the bustle of the city. The homemade, natural food (both Japanese and Polish) as well as the amazing atmosphere created by the owner are just a few of the attractions of this place. All problems connected to work and life are left behind while staying here. We want to show you a new point of view and send you back to your everyday life full of energy.


All the colors of summer

Early spring around the villa is pulsating with life- colors, sounds and scents. Just look out a window, stand on the terrace or take a walk around the grounds to meet this wild nature, drink in the colors on a butterfly’s wings, breathe the scents of mountain flower petals or hear the unique concert of a forest mockingbird, finch or tit... 

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Winter quiet

Winter is a time of quiet as the snow covers this fairy tale location and brings peace and silence. Escape into a book, listen to music, observe the winter scene outside your window or create while curled up in the cozy corners of the villa...

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Beneficial Microorganisms throughout the yeark

In 2013 Akiko became acquainted with EM Technology (Beneficial Microorganisms which were discovered by Professor Terugo Higa in Okinawa). The firm Greenland runs this technology in Poland. A meeting with the president of that firm began a “Total Ecological Lifestyle” in the villa- drinking water, sewage, kitchen waste, improved gardening, cleaning etc. Today the entire villa and its surroundings are filled with good microorganisms which react positively on the residents and guests as well as on the whole environment. Akiko became an ambassador of EM Technology in the region and works together with Greenland during picnics and workshops on EM and other ways of popularizing the benefits of Japanese microorganisms for Polish soil.
Greenland products with beneficial microorganisms are for sale at the villa.


Prezentacja Akiko na temat EM  ( kliknij w zdjęcie lub link aby pobrać i obejrzeć)